Paul Soter
Coach Paul is our Master at Arms.
He’s known for his skills, not his charms.
But he has a plan,
And he thinks we can
Reach past the Midwest to the stars.
Brandon Foat
Brandon, our boss, has a thema.
He knows how to plan and to schema
He’s built CBA
As it is today:
Olympic and Kendo and HEMA.
Anna Schliep
For epee we have Anna Schliep
Her knowledge of all sport is deep
She can do any sport
On field or on court
She can teach us to fence in her sleep.
Sam Kragh
Coach Sam knows his cut and his parry:
He can even teach Shemp, Moe and
Larry. He’ll teach you with vigor,
With technique and rigor.
And slice you in half if you tarry.
Tyler Clayton
Tyler, whose last name is Clayton
Has made our work into pure playton
He’s a certified nutritionist
And an S&C musicianist
With him it’s always a great dayton!
Alex Gottschalk
Coach Alex is great with the tads.
He knows they’re all good gals and lads.
He knows they’re not savage,
But all above average.
He teaches just angels, not cads.